This Day in History: 2023-03-03

Nr. 417


It was the night that a legend was born. Manchester United had travelled to Lisbon on 9 March with a meticulous game-plan designed to protect their 3-2 first-leg lead against Benfica in the European Cup quarter final. However, within ten minutes a carefree George Best had put United 2-0 up, inspiring Manchester United to go on to win 5-1 – the first defeat Benfica had ever suffered in the European Cup at the Stadium of Light.
With such a result, United boss Sir Matt Busby could not be too upset that his carefully laid plans were ripped up by his mercurial young star. He said wryly afterwards, «Our plan was to be cautious, but somebody must have stuffed cotton wool in George’s ears.» The next day the newspapers featured Best pictured in a giant sombrero captioned ‘El Beatle’ – a tag taken up by the British press who fell over themselves to launch him as a style and sporting icon.
Six days atter the Benfica match, Best added fuel to the media feeding frenzy when he and close Manchester City friend Mike Summerbee opened Edwardia, a men’s fashion boutique in Sale. Such was Best’s sex appeal that the opening of the shop drew 400 fans, mainly schoolgirls, who nearly broke the shop window in their eagerness to catch a glimpse of their hero. Best’s style and huge public profile led to a modelling contract and a full rock ‘n’ roll way of life.
He became legendary for his partying, but it was a lifestyle that was to quickly undermine his sporting career and ultimately his health.
Best’s superlative performances coupled with his female following brought him a huge wave of press attention.